How to create email process in mendix 5.19.0 using email module in app store

Hi guys, I downloaded mxmodelreflection, encryption, email template module but don't know how to connect these together with my module and how to exist it also some other steps which was given in mendix tutorial or not exact correct steps Please can someboday suggest me the successful example app which is used with email modules also please explain me how to use these three modules with my app to send email ? Regards, Arun.
6 answers

Maybe this will help: Send Custom Emails From Your App


Read the documentation from the appstore on how to implement each module. Run model reflection sync after configuring which modules need to be synced. Create an email template for an entity which needs to sent email. Take a look at the excluded microflows in the _Examples folder in the Email template module


You need to configure each module according to the documentation in the appstore. Configure which modules need to be synced using Model Reflection. Create an email template based on an object which requires email to be sent. Look for an excluded microflow in the email template module as an example (_Examples folder).


Thanks guys,

I have created the same example how they given using Customer and Order in IVKCreateandSendEmail in the email template module, so in my module i create the page follows as: Customer(dataview) is caller of the page and data over association is OrderCustomer so Order is used as datagrid, also did a action button using the microflow button IVK_CreateandSendEmail so two entities are available in the microflow arguments in the edit button but for 'Email Template' it was showing as 'No applicable value available', So please tell what step i have not done ?


I thinks no one till now not used mail configuration in mendix 5.19.0, also i read in a forum that the email template module used only in mendix 4 version and not yet updated to mendix 5


In reponse to you own reply (you can also update your original question instead, which positively influences reading this thread): What parameters does you microflow require? From the action button you can only pass a Customer and Order object.

Most probably you would create a new microflow, calling the IVKCreateandSendEmail micfroflow. In this new microflow you can retrieve/create objects/variables required by the IVKCreateandSendEmail MF.
