Add line-hight in document template for PDF generation

Dear fellow Mendix user's , I have a styling question. At the moment we have an document template for generation of PDF documents. My question is : is there a way to increase the spacing between lines in the PDF document? In the document template style row ->custom styles adding line-height : x.x does not have any effect. In one of the rows with text style row ->custom styles adding line-height : x.x does not have any effect. Maybe I can create a class in a css file, which css file is used for the document template? Do I also need to add some settings, code in the fop.xconfig   If anyone has experience with this or know some answers? I would be very grateful   Sincerely, Remco
2 answers

Hi Remco,

I placed "line-height:2.4;" as a custom style on a Table, and all of its contents are double-spaced now.

Hope that helps!


Did you try to add the style on the surrounding cell instead of the custom style tab?



