Converting from Mx4 to Mx5

I am trying to convert a project from MX4 version 4.8.11 to Mx5. I have tried 5.1.1, 5.21.2, 5.21.5, 5.21.6 and 5.21.8 but in all cases the conversion wizard will not appear and I just get a popup error telling me the version of my project is not compatible with the Modeller. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong please?
4 answers

looking at the release dates i would assume that the following versions 5.21.6 and up are compatible.


They are not working. I cannot convert the 4.8.11 version into any of the Mx5 versions.


Probably the issue is that your used Mx4 version is newer than the Mx 5 version used.

So the MX 5 version is not familiar with the Mx 4 version.

This needs to be fixed by Mendix. Thus contact support:


Mendix will do a fix for this in a next release perhaps 2 months.

For anyone else who visits the page and is facing the same issue in trying to convert a 4.8.11 version to Mx5 there is a hack to resolve the problem

Download your app from the team server.

Open the .mpr file in a hex editor (I used  Notepad++ with Hex plugin) - change the value of 0f 4.8.11 to 4.8.10 - don't worry about the other versioning numbers leave them as is - its around line 16 in the file - save the file

Do the same with the base_ver file within .mendix-cache

You then do a search in files within the .svn/pristine folder looking for 4.8.11 - I used Notepad++ again. There should be one file in there with it. Edit that as well and change to 4.8.10.

You should now be able to open the project form a 4.8.10 version of the Modeller - Once it is open do a Team server commit of the project.

You should now be able to open an Mx 5 modeller, open the project and be presented the conversion wizard.
