Minimum requirements for client devices

We need to provice minimum specs for client devices to use a mendix built system.  We want to provide a bit more than "web enabled". What are the minimum hardware and software specs for accessing a mendix system?
4 answers

Piece of advise: think about to purpose of this limit. Do you and your customer want to have the minimum specs as high as possible or as low as possible.

Sales always want them as low as possible, but development costs increase when having to deal with ancient hardware. Also sometimes a customer wants them high, for an unexpected or silly reason, such as for upgrading the companies phones.


Requirements for both developer soft/hardware and application users can be found here:


There is some documentation on this, although it's as limited as what you mention in your question:

You might want to turn the question around: What devices will the client users be using? In my experience it's always helpful to , for example, discuss the window resolution before developing. If your client might be working on outdated systems with a 1280x1024 window resolution the app will probably look a lot different than on your development machine.


From my experience, I would stride away from touch screen laptops and stick to a standard resoluction (1080p). This could most likely be fixed now, but the resolution on my old touch screen laptop would make all of the text and icons in the modeler really small and unreadable. Only changing my resolution to 1080p would fix the issue.

