Sending a document via a Fax (webservice?)

Hi, I would like to send a Fax from a Mendix application. I looked in de mendix appstore but could not find any app. Is there a webservice that I can use to send a document (i.e.  PDF) to an external fax machine? Regards, Peter   
2 answers

try to find a reliable service for e-mail to fax for instance; 

I do not have experiences with a fax since 2001 or so ;-)


Hi Peter,

Next to several examples of fax web services you could also take a look at services which enable you to send a fax by mail. You could use the email template module and easely use something like efax where the first 200 faxes a month are free(The statement comes with a * but can't find explanation for it, I guess it will turn out it's paid after all). Since you're based in The Netherlands(according to your profile) I guess it wouldn't be a problem that there website is Dutch.

Or you have myfax as well, which has an overall good review rating by users, they charge a minimum of €9 a month for 100 send faxes.

I have used such an option before, but can't remember which one it was anymore, like Pim for me it's a long time ago as well.

