How to run SQL queries from Mendix Console without permission error?

How to run SQL queries from Mendix Console? < I am a newbie > So I'm using Mendix Business Modeler 5.19.0 and I am running my application locally and I can see data in my forms so that is working well. Once running, from the Console pane I click on the Advanced menu button and from the drop-down I select 'Start built-in database viewer' at which point the HSQL Database Manager window appears. so if I type SELECT * FROM PUBLIC.system$user and click Execute SQL but then I get error java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: user lacks privilege or object not found: SYSTEM$USER / Error Code: -5501 / State: 42501 but I can see in the treeview on the left that it definitely exists (and no typo). So it must be a permission error. I have not changed any passwords. The connection creditials say 'sa' for username and blank for password. Not much of a viewer if even admin (sa=system administrator, no?) cannot view records. How to run SQL queries from Mendix Console without permission error?
2 answers

Try SELECT * FROM "PUBLIC"."system$user"


Create administrator forms for all raw data you want to inspect. Just a data grid and generate the edit page (rightclick on new/edit button). Add the associated data. Set rights to administrator for all.

It can be useful to inspect the database but it is better and more realistic to do use Mendix for it.
