Iframe goes to Mendix login page with IE9, other browsers go to the deeplink.

We have an app which is called in an iframe. the link is a deeplink for anoniem users. When we use Chrome we see the deeplink page. When we use IE 9, we get the Mendix login page. Refresh of the page will redirect to the deeplink page. Why does IE not go to the deeplink and how can we fix this ?
2 answers

This problem can be solved by upgrading your application to at least Mendix version 5.16.1. In Mendix 5.16.0 Mendix solved the cookie problem with IE. It will result in a popup message to the end user that the application needs cookies. Do go for Mendix 5.16.1 since this is a hot fix for 5.16.0.


I think the redirect caused the problem. We work cross-domain from http to https, perhaps that has something to do with the problem. I solved it by simple adding a single refresh into the javascript for the Iframe. //Reload the page for IE window.onload = function() { if (document.all) { if(!window.location.hash) { window.location = window.location + '#loaded'; window.location.reload(); } } }
