Upgrading Projects

This is probably a stupid question but what is the best practice for upgrading a project?  We have a few production apps on 6.10.0 and would like to upgrade to (probably 7.10.0).  Is it better to run the upgrade on the main branch after all dev branches have been delivered back -or- is it better to deliver all dev branches to main, create a new branch to run the upgrade against and then deliver the upgraded branch to main?  Does it really matter or am I just splitting hairs?
3 answers


I usually create a branch when upgrading a project. This gives you a controlled environment to do full testing on the entire application after you upgrade. Once testing is done, I just take the same steps as upgrading the branch line and upgrade my mainline. 


Also here is a link  to the documentation on upgrading from 6 to 7 



Hi Michael,

  Not a stupid question at all.  If you have a production app up and running, you probably want to keep the main line as close to the production version as possible just in case a hotfix is required due to a critical defect.  I recommend you do your upgrade in a branch line and then merge it back to the main line when it is ready for a roll out to production.  I don't expect too much trouble when going from 6 to 7, but you do want to branch and test before merging those changes back in.


Thanks guys, I appreciate the input.
