Has anyone implemented connecting JIra to the stories/feedback api?

If so could you you share your learnings as we are looking into implementing it.
2 answers

They offer a REST API, so it should be pretty easy to get started if you use the REST module from the appstore.

They also have webhooks. All you need from there is a Mendix app in the middle to connect that to the Mendix API's (and handle all authentication/logging etc business of course).


They also give the "jira issue collector" which provide the way to send the issue directly to Jira server. So you can implement your Mendix Widget which loads the Jira Javascript of the collector and you have a button just like Mendix' feedback button.

You also can import issues form Sprintr by Mendix Api to Jira and use Jira's Rest api to create issues in Jija server. But the thing is that Mendix doesn't expose some important info like: capturescreen, screen resolution.
