Cannot publish to Sandbox [Closed]

Dear All, It worked properly until afternoon yesterday. I try to publish my testing app to the Sandbox and the modeler show me like this; SharpSvn.SvnRepositoryIOException: Unable to connect to a repository at URL '' ---> SharpSvn.SvnRepositoryIOException: OPTIONS of '': Server certificate verification failed: issuer is not trusted ( --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at SharpSvn.SvnClientArgs.HandleResult(SvnClientContext client, SvnException error, Object targets) at SharpSvn.SvnClient.Status(String path, SvnStatusArgs args, EventHandler`1 statusHandler) at SharpSvn.SvnClient.GetStatus(String path, SvnStatusArgs args, Collection`1& statuses) at Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.SvnConnector.ClientDo[T](Func`2 action) in c:\jenkins\workspace\AppStudio-Modeler\src\Mendix.Modeler.Core\VersionControl\SvnConnector.cs:line 90 at Mendix.Modeler.VersionControl.SvnConnector.GetStatuses(String localDir, Boolean retrieveRemoteStatus) in c:\jenkins\workspace\AppStudio-Modeler\src\Mendix.Modeler.Core\VersionControl\SvnConnector.cs:line 130 Does anyone know what it is? and How to fix it? Thank you
2 answers

Are you able to connect to using the browser? If so are you able to connect to the repository from your project folder using TortoiseSVN?


Dear All,

I think it's because of my network policy. Now , my network admins are checking their firewall configuration. Thank you everyone.
