Login default not clear + output textbox

First Question: When I set the Security level [project level] at Prototype/demo I get no login form when running the app. I suppose that i need not to add a login form in the code because otherwise the name default login is not correct. I am sorry, but the mendix description is rather vague about this point; a custom login from the app store is clear to me.   Second question: Why has mendix not a stand alone output textbox for displaying a result from a microflow-calculation? So i don't mean a textbox in a dataview etc; just a textbox which you can drag on a page [stand alone] and connecting a variable to the textbox.   Thanks in advance  
2 answers

For your second question: you can use the CustomString widget (the No Context version): https://appstore.home.mendix.com/link/app/1426/. This allows you to create and display a string using a microflow. 


Sorry - already clear - for demo user I had to run the app locally
