I sovled by doing like this:
(in my case it was just one screensize, so you might consider different screensizes and another setup for your usecase)
.customLabeledList > ul > li > label
padding-top: 2%;
height: 33px;
.customLabeledList> ul > li > label:before
{content:'No data found';
padding-left: 19%;
You can do this with css. If you open your project directory in file explorer and navigate to theme > styles > sass > lib > components and open the "listview.scss" file.
The class you want to change is ".mx-listview-empty". I set mine to display none
You can also create a custom class to apply to list views that will remove this (this is what I usually do). You can add this class to your "custom.scss" file.
.mx-listview-hide-noitems {
.mx-listview-list {
.mx-listview-empty {
display: none;
then just give your listview the class "mx-listview-hide-noitems" (or whatever you name yours)
Hope this helps!