unable to start application

Hi, I have upgraded project from 4.5.0 to 5.15.1 version. Solved all Mendix, Java errors. When i run the application, in console i see database synchronising message alone.. its doing this from many hours, not sure when it will stop this. i dont know whats happening. am not able to see any logs or errors. what can be the issue here?
2 answers

What kind of database are you running on? MsSQL, Postgress? I case of MsSQL you could try to see if the MsSQL analysis server is tracing any activities. You can try to run again, before you do the synchronization, you can check what synchronization statement is about the execute.


How much data do you have? If it's a local database there should not be much and updates should go pretty quickly. If your local data is not important or can easily be replicated you can also create a new database.
