OQL query errors at runtime

Hello Mendix OQL gurus, This is the query I am trying to use for my report data set: Select CASE a.Status             WHEN 'ClosedWon' THEN sum(a.BookingValue)            ELSE 0             END won_amount,         CASE a.Status             WHEN 'ClosedWon' THEN 0            ELSE sum(a.BookingValue)             END lost_amount,         sum(a.BookingValue) total_amount,        CASE a.Status            WHEN 'ClosedWon' THEN count(1)            ELSE 0            END won_count,         CASE a.Status              WHEN 'ClosedWon' THEN 0              ELSE count(1)              END lost_count,         count(1) total_count         FROM   SPXSalesManagerPersona.MyAccountManager AS sm JOIN        Administration.Account AS useracct ON useracct/Name = sm.UserId JOIN         SPXMain.Opportunity AS a ON a/SPXMain.OpportunityLeader/Administration.Account/Name = useracct/Name  WHERE  sm/SPXSalesManagerPersona.MyAccountManager_Account = '[%CurrentUser%]'    AND  a.Status != 'Open' When I generate the report, I get a runtime error. Caused by: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: unexpected token: INNER : line: 10 in statement  [SELECT CASE "a"."status" WHEN ? THEN SUM("a"."bookingvalue") ELSE 0 END AS "won_amount",  CASE "a"."status" WHEN ? THEN 0 ELSE SUM("a"."bookingvalue") END AS "lost_amount",  SUM("a"."bookingvalue") AS "total_amount",  CASE "a"."status" WHEN ? THEN COUNT(1) ELSE 0 END AS "won_count",  CASE "a"."status" WHEN ? THEN 0 ELSE COUNT(1) END AS "lost_count",  COUNT(1) AS "total_count"  FROM "spxsalesmanagerpersona$myaccountmanager" "sm"  INNER JOIN "spxsalesmanagerpersona$myaccountmanager_account" "c1spxsalesmanagerpersona$myaccountmanager_account" ON "c1spxsalesmanagerpersona$myaccountmanager_account"."spxsalesmanagerpersona$myaccountmanagerid" = "sm"."id"  INNER JOIN "administration$account" "acct"  INNER JOIN "system$user" "dj2system$user" ON "dj2system$user"."name" = "sm"."userid"  INNER JOIN "spxmain$opportunity" "a"  INNER JOIN "spxmain$opportunityleader" "a5spxmain$opportunityleader" ON "a5spxmain$opportunityleader"."spxmain$opportunityid" = "a"."id"  INNER JOIN "administration$account" "j3administration$account" ON "j3administration$account"."id" = "a5spxmain$opportunityleader"."administration$accountid"  INNER JOIN "system$user" "dj4system$user" ON "dj4system$user"."name" = "dj2system$user"."name"  WHERE "c1spxsalesmanagerpersona$myaccountmanager_account"."administration$accountid" = 12666373951979728 AND ("a"."status" != ? OR "a"."status" IS NULL)]   Line 10 is :  INNER JOIN "administration$account" "acct" . Administration.Account is a specialization of System.User, so I could use that in the query. However, when I do that, I get the same error, but on a different line: Caused by: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: unexpected token: INNER : line: 11 in statement [SELECT CASE "a"."status" WHEN ? THEN SUM("a"."bookingvalue") ELSE 0 END AS "won_amount",  CASE "a"."status" WHEN ? THEN 0 ELSE SUM("a"."bookingvalue") END AS "lost_amount",  SUM("a"."bookingvalue") AS "total_amount",  CASE "a"."status" WHEN ? THEN COUNT(1) ELSE 0 END AS "won_count",  CASE "a"."status" WHEN ? THEN 0 ELSE COUNT(1) END AS "lost_count",  COUNT(1) AS "total_count"  FROM "spxsalesmanagerpersona$myaccountmanager" "sm"  INNER JOIN "spxsalesmanagerpersona$myaccountmanager_account" "c1spxsalesmanagerpersona$myaccountmanager_account" ON "c1spxsalesmanagerpersona$myaccountmanager_account"."spxsalesmanagerpersona$myaccountmanagerid" = "sm"."id"  INNER JOIN "system$user" "useracct" ON "useracct"."name" = "sm"."userid"  INNER JOIN "spxmain$opportunity" "a"  INNER JOIN "spxmain$opportunityleader" "a4spxmain$opportunityleader" ON "a4spxmain$opportunityleader"."spxmain$opportunityid" = "a"."id"  INNER JOIN "administration$account" "j2administration$account" ON "j2administration$account"."id" = "a4spxmain$opportunityleader"."administration$accountid"  INNER JOIN "system$user" "dj3system$user" ON "dj3system$user"."name" = "useracct"."name"  WHERE "c1spxsalesmanagerpersona$myaccountmanager_account"."administration$accountid" = 12666373951979728 AND ("a"."status" != ? OR "a"."status" IS NULL)]   Line 11 is: "spxmain$opportunity" "a"  INNER JOIN "spxmain$opportunityleader" How do I get around this?
1 answers

I think the aggregate functions should be around the case statements.
