Version not found/cant run sandbox or local

My project ran fine yesterday. Today it wont run at all, if i try to run it locally it says it can not reach the server. if i try to run on sandbox it errors out. not error logs are created for me to check. Also when i try to launch from the web server it gives me a version not found error. when all the paths are correct and it is the correct version. I tried creating a new project and it does the exact same thing. I can on the other hand launch and run my team members project. after fighting the version error of course. Any help or suggestions?
2 answers

I have a fix. It turns out due to me having saved it on my network drive it was a permissions error. I went ahead and deployed on my local C:\ drive and boom i was able to run locally and in the sandbox.


Have you tried reinstalling the Modeler? If that does not help, you could file a ticket in our support portal containing one of the projects that has these problems.
