Reference selector(s)

Hi all, Is it possible to receive two unique values with two reference selectors in the same NewEdit? At the moment, after deployment, if i select a value with one reference selector it automatically use the same value for the other reference selector.  (The goal is to create a match at a certain date and give the end-user the possibility to select both of the teams with a reference selector)    
3 answers

Hi Jasper,

I am guessing you have the same selectable association in both selectors?

Therefore when you set the association, the selected value is visible at both (which is correct behavior)

If you create an alternative association to the same object you can have users select this in your second reference selector.

See the picture for an example:


Hi Jasper,

It sounds like you may want to model this association as many-to-many instead of many-to-one. If that is indeed the case, you can use a Reference Set Selector widget to allow multiple values to be set for the assocation.

- Philip


Hi Wieke and Philips, thanks for your answers!

@Wieke, i tried it your way, but it didnt work out for me. I added some print screens, maybe you can see the problem.

@Philip, I think it is not possible to only use a many-to-many association when you use a reference selector.

