display objects in tree view

Hi, I have migrated my project from 4.5.0 to 5.15.1 version, i was using a form which has tree view and form loader. data source of form loader is tree view. In Mendix 5.15.1 form loader is not compatabile and i have to use snippets for this. For snippet there is no option to make data source as tree view. For this i thought of placing snippet inside dataview and this data view source will be tree view. but when i do data source of tree view as listen to target, this is not showing tree view name ? how can i do this without form loader object?
1 answers

See this forum question here: https://forum.mendix.com/questions/8647/Tree-View-Widget-and-Snippet You still can use the form loader. There is a version compatible for Mx5. See github for latest: https://github.com/Andries-Smit/Formloader


