Button and other labels not rendering in 7.13.1

I just tried updating my on-premise production server to version 7.13.1 and after logging in, receive an popup - An error occured. Please contact your Administrator. After that the page loads but several of the labels for buttons have not rendered and are shown as [object Object] as shown below: This makes the application unusable, so I have had to revert to an earlier version. This error does not occur on my local machine, on the Mendix sandbox, or in my on-premise test server, only on my production server.  There is nothing shown in the logs, nor can I see anything in the browser console.  The error repeats (with the popup message again) every time a navigate to a new page, which makes me think it might be something in the page Layout template. As this error is only occuring on my production server, it makes it very difficult to investigate further. Has anyone seen this behaviour before or have any suggection as to what might be causing it?  Thanks
2 answers

You mentioned using the CustomString widget, think it is related to this issue:


I suggest you try the newest version in the App Store, 2.2.5.


From which version did you upgrade? maybe something with the change of the state handling is causing this issue.

Is there a datasource-microflow/NPE in your layout? this article might be of help; https://docs.mendix.com/howtogeneral/bestpractices/best-practices-for-app-performance-in-mendix-7#layouts
