Does Mendix support VueJS?

Hi folks, I'm brand new and I apologize if this has been answered: Does Mendix support VueJS? Or Svelte?
4 answers

Hi AJ,

Yes Mendix supports VeuJS, since it's just an extended version of Javascript. You can use the HTML/JavaScript snippet from Mendix App Store - to add your VeuJS code to manipulate the application elements.

If you are looking for more customization and flexibility you would have to create Custom Widget for the same something similar to JavaScript snippet in Mendix App Store - and if you do please share it with us in App Store again. :)


Just to bump in, we at Intonovi have created a VueJS / Mendix boilerplate, all with Webpack and Mendix test project. Hefty tutorial on how to use and how to pack the widget is written, goes down to a very simple one-line command to compile Vue. Please give it a go, let me know what you think and star it, of course. :)


I wonder about what you mean by "support". Since you can create custom widget to import Vuejs, so Yes, you can use it however you like. But then you have to its life-cycle with Mendix widget life-cycle (postcreate, update, resize, uninitialize) so it would be No.


Thanks, Abhishek! This is exactly what I needed. And I'd be happy to share any code I develop with the community. Thanks again. --AJ
