Creating an objects through OData

Hello everyone, I have one simple question, is it possible to create object through Published OData Service or end user just can read (Get) the data from App?  For example: I have sync excel with OData from my application so right now when I change something in Runtime I can see the changes in excel (By refreshing the data), on the other side if I change something in excel I can't see the changes in Ruintime, so is this possible at all?  I read the documentation about OData and I've impression that this is not possible, but I'm not sure for 100%.  Thank you in advance, Kind regards, Aleksandar Alempic
2 answers

This is not possible. OData is strictly for reading data and not to update the data.





Hello again :) 

I've another problem here that is related to synchronization between Published OData and tool Power BI. When I tried to sync Power BI with published OData from application I received an error that looks like: 

''DataSource.Error - We couldn't parse OData response result. Error '?', hexadecimal value 0x0B, is an invalid character. Line 15873, position 16514''. 

This error says that problem occurred because of incorrect format of data from application and my question here is: Is there any possibility to find out which specific data is responsible for this error? I tried to find 'Line 15873 and position 16514' in Power BI but unfortunately without success. Maybe someone has already experience with this kind of error? 

Thank you in advance,

Kind regards,

Aleksandar Alempic
