How to insert a button into a list view right from a text box?

Hi, I have the following problem: I want to insert this "edit" button you see on the picture into a data grid but right from that text box, but I only see the possibility to insert it over or beneath the text box. Can you solve this?
3 answers

Hi Laura,

In the latest version of the desktop modeler, you're able to add building blocks(predefined combination of widgets) to your pages. There's examples under the 'Lists' category for exactly what you are trying to achieve. 




There's a sample app in the app store called 'Atlas UI Reference App'. It has a lot of examples as well that you can use to see how pages are put together and re use existing styles.


Hope this helps.




Hi Laura,

You can also accomplish this by adding a layout grid or table inside your list. 

Here is an example with a layout grid. 

You can also add custom css to add the right amount of padding, margin, etc.


If you use a table, you can use the class "table-spaceless" to remove the padding and make it more similar to a datagrid. 


Hope this helps!



You can add css to accomplish this. Check this out
