The two widgets of Google maps

I added the two widgets of Google maps to my project in a form in which you can select an address from a reference table. GooglemapsOverview This widget is intended to view all adressen from a table. This widget works in my project because I have restricted it with X-path '[%CurrentObject%]'. However when you restrict the GooglemapsOverview you cannot use teh "Pan to context" to update GooglemapsOverview after selecting a new address in the form. GoogleMaps This widget is intended to show only one addres and is therefore most suitable for my project, but this one does not work. I do not see anything in the form after deploying, not even an error or an empty field or error log. Does anyone have succesfully used the Widget GoogleMaps ?
2 answers

Did you fill in all the fields and are you using an API key that matches your deploy location?


Yes. You can check out the Public Profile application to see it in action (after you have set the API key). The googlemaps overview is working as inteded, as you can read in the documentation.
