Tutorial to do app: Where can i find the MobileGeneric module in the Project Explorer? (Step 2 below)

7 Adding List View Swipe MarkAsCompleted Snippet Follow these steps to add a predefined snippet which contains the UI for the mark as completed functionality: Open the Home_Phone_Default page. Expand the MobileGeneric module in the Project Explorer. Drag the ListViewSwipe_MarkAsCompleted snippet below the layout grid. The values you configured in the List view Swipe widget (MarkAsCompleted and MarkingAsCompleted) match the names of the containters in the snippet. You can modify the text in the containers, but make sure the container names correspond with the container names configuration in the widget. Add a Container below the ListViewSwipe_MarkAsCompleted snippet and within the Todo list view. Change the name of the container to Buttons.  
1 answers

Hi Silvia,

Is it not in your list of modules?

Otherwise it might be in your App Store Modules?
