If you are using the reference set selector, you get the known datagrid with the selectable objects. Then set the selection mode to a multi select option.
Next, when i add the action button and create a new microflow from there, i can pass the selection on to the microflow. Is that what you want to achieve?
You can use a retrieve action with XPath to retrieve all the objects that have a reference with the passed object. I suggest you follow some lessons here: https://gettingstarted.mendixcloud.com/link/module/22/lecture/122
I know I can do that. Yes. I don't see any change in the list of reference objects though when I can a microflow. I am not sure where I am wrong.
I have a reference set selector. I am using reference set selector widget to select some of the items from the reference set. After selecting I call a microflow on click of a button. Tere I get the context object. But it still has the same list. as before. I can't identify which all I selected.
Am I doing something wrong here?
Thank you for your answer Ronald.