Xpath Issue

In my project I have entities that I'll use to dinamically create a menu bar. Entity A: Menu, with the attributes level [integer] and name[string] Entity B: MenuAssoc, that has two associations to the same entity A --- MenuAssoc_Menu and MenuAssoc_Submenu In my association page I use two dropdowns (reference selector) one to set the menu association and the other to set the submenu. My issue is: the second dropdown needs to show objects of the menu entity based on the 'level' property. In other words, It needs to show only the objects that are one level above the object selected in the first dropdown. I can't achieve this using the 'constrained by' property or by setting a microflow as data source, 'cause the second dropdown needs to be reloaded every time the first one is changed. I wonder if there's a way to do it using the xpath constraint or something. Any Ideas?
2 answers

Xpath constraints will allow you to limit the set of items for the second reference selector. However you want to limit it only to one level above the object selected in the first dropdown. This is not possible with the current data structure.

You will need to create a microflow as source for the second dropdown and only retrieve the elements that meet the requirements based on the first reference selector


Use the constrainded by function (below where you can place your xpath).


