Unable to work on same project in Web Modeler AND desktop modeler

Is it not possible to sync projects between the web developer and the desktop developer. I have had to work on a project in desktop modeler, and now the web modeler will not show the updated version of the project, just the same stuff as I left it the last time I used the Web Modeler. I really like the Web Modeler, but I am now no longer able to work on that project in that environment.
2 answers

Hi Paul,

Can you elaborate a bit more about the issue?

Have you used the Sync feature in the Desktop Modeler to synchronize the changes from both modelers already? Changes from both modelers have to be synchronized first before they are available in the other modeler. 

And if so, do you get any error while synchronizing?



Wow, that screwed up things big time. I committed the desktop version, then synced so the web modeler would have the same project version after syncing, but it happened the other way round, the desktop project version got corrupted by uncommitted stuff from the web modeler. 
