Publishing REST microflow service, 404

I'm trying to publish a microflow webservice using the REST module. I've registered the service on startup and the logs show: Registered data service on 'GET /' Registered data service on 'GET getlist' Successfully ran after-startup-action. I've also called the "getRestBaseUrl" Java action and written it's result to the log: - http://localhost:8080/rest/ I've tried "http://localhost:8080/rest/", "http://localhost:8080/rest/getlist", "http://localhost:8080/rest/getlist?q=xyz" both in the browser and using SOAP-UI. But I always get a 404 and see the following in my logs: Could not find mime type for file 'getPUICList' 404 - file not found for file: rest/getPUICList Anyone here knows what's going on and how to fix this. As far as I know it's not needed (nor possible) to register the "/rest/" in the application right?
1 answers

Registering /rest is not needed, that's the default base path. I use this module a lot and I always use microflow RestServices.CreateMicroflowServiceWithPath to register a service:

  • MicroflowName = 'Module.Microflow' so a string with the full name of the microflow
  • SecurityRole = '*' or any role(s) you need
  • Description = 'Any description'
  • PathTemplate = '/v1/my/service' so start with a slash but do not end with a slash
  • HttpMethod = RestServices.HttpMethod.GET or the request type that is needed

Before registering the service call Java action RestServices.StartPublishesServicesJava.
