HOw to set animation on button in mendix.

I want to set animation like Zoom in zoom out effect on splash please suggest me how to use animation effect in mendix.
2 answers

You can achieve this with some css. For example to zoom on a button open your theme css file and search for the css class.btn:hover and add: -webkit-transform: scale(1.3); -ms-transform: scale(1.3); transform: scale(1.3);

This will add a zoom effect on all of your buttons. If you want this only on specific buttons, create your own class and assign the class to the specific button.


I have added animation using several css library one of my favourites is animate css:

All you need to do is add a class called animated and the type of animation. This will get triggered everytime the page is refreshed though. So you might want to look into creating some custom javascript to add the classes on when you want.
