Learning Paths down?

When can I expect the learning paths to be back up on the mendix website? They are stuck loading. I can acces the paths overview via the bottom menu of the page, but after selecting any, I'm thrown back to that loading page again.
5 answers

It is working here. Maybe you can try to do a hard reload of the page.


Wouter, please file a ticket with Support. It is regarding this issue: https://forum.mendix.com/link/questions/90079, which is specifically an issue with Edge.

The Academy team will have to update to 7.16 to fix this issue, Getting Started is running on 7.6.0. Unfortunately upgrading takes time, so in the mean time you should use another browser.

Thanks for pointing out the error. I will report it to Academy as well.


Apparently the error seems to be browser specific. My edge browser cannot load it while my Chrome browser can.

Force reload did not solve the problem. Logging in and out of the website also did not.

The problem still persists, but I now have a work around to continue working: Use the Chrome browser. Thx!


p.s: To clarify, this page does load correctly: https://gettingstarted.mendixcloud.com/index3.html

Only after clicking the button "View Learning Paths" does the page get stuck with a loading indicator.



Clear your cookies and cache. This solved the issue for me. 


Not working on any browser here, refreshed and cleared cookies...
