Textarea Not Showing Text

I have a "Comment" attribute connected to a textarea. A user types text and saves it. It works fine on a PC but on my iPad the text entered is not visible. The text is actually there, auto-complete works and it does save but I can't see it unless I scroll up or down slightly. Then all the previously typed text in that field becomes visible. If I type more, that new text will not show. If I erase text, the text remains until I scroll up or down. It's like something is preventing the text from being drawn properly. These textareas are in a ListView. I have another textarea on the same page that is connected to something else, which works perfectly fine. Any ideas? Thanks.
2 answers

Hi, If you are working on a list view and using a microflow within the listview to display the Text, then you would have such a problem. The reason is that Microflows inside a listview keeps refreshing. Can you tell me more on how you have achieved your requirement, so i can give you some inputs.


This was obviously a draw/render error. I tried re-sizing the text areas but that didn't help. I added this to the affected textareas and it seems okay: -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
