timezone of server processes

Hi, Our startup flow contains a step that updates records using the current date time. A comparable action can be executed from a form. We noticed that the startup flow generates different results due to difference in currentdate time. See below for the log entries. What setting(s) determines the time setting (timezone and datetime format etc) applied to server (windows) based processes? After startup flow: 2015-11-04 08:00:38.898 INFO - Scheduled event - time info: null timezone:null currentdatetime: 11/4/15 7:00 AM (from BCo_ABCD) When saved from form by a regular user (b.golsteijn): 2015-11-04 12:59:20.644 INFO - Scheduled event - time info: b.golsteijn timezone:Europe/Amsterdam currentdatetime: 4-11-15 12:59 (from BCo_ABCD) Thanks
2 answers

Hi Brian,

At this moment (Mx6 and earlier) the time used in the AfterStartUp or BeforeShutDown event is always UTC. It is not like ScheduledEvents where you have a setting to define the timezone.

I think that the setting should be applied not only for the scheduled events but for all events that are triggered from a system perspective. I therefore have added a feature request in the support portal of Mendix.


Hi Brian,

You can find timezone settings in the project settings. By default scheduled events are not applying any timezone. Could it be that your results differ because of this setting?

