Second xml-choice element mapped to first generalization entity ChoiceBase

I have received a WSDL from my customer with two xml-choice constructions. When I create a XML-to-domain mapping based on this WSDL the second xml-choice element is mapped to the first generalization entity. I It looks like mendix is mapping all ChoiceBase entities to the first generalization entity. The work around at the moment is to edit the generalization entity after generating the XML-to-domain mapping. Can I prevent this by changing the WSDL?
2 answers

In 'the old days' (before Mendix could deal with choice elements) I used to change 'em into sequence instead. Might or might not help in your specific case, but you can give it a shot.



Without more detail it is not completely clear what is happening, but from this blog post I would assume that the changes will be necessary. Changing the wsdl will not help in this case, I think. Can you maybe edit your question with the choice elements from the wsdl? Then a more detailled answer can possibly be provided.
