Need help for implementing in modeler

Hi Guys, I'm prototyping my screen with mendix modeler. It has a functionality like adding a phone no. Well, I want to add it by clicking add button and the screen will show me an empty textbox to input a phone no. and then I can repeat this step to add my phone no. more and more. After that I click save button to insert them all into database. How can I do like this in Mendix? It would be nice if you guys give me an example code or example project. Thank you.
3 answers

At a glance, my approach would probably be to use a ListView for the phone-numbers, and make the 'add' button add a new empty record to the top of the list. That should provide you with the functionality, but it will still take a fair amount of CSS styling to actually make it look like a regular part of the page.


You can take the Phone Details as a separate entity and associate with the Customer by doing this you can link multiple phone numbers to a single customer. Now using a button microflow persist the data.


Dear Nithiin,

I think I might make you confuse. I understand how entity should be associated with but I would like to know how I create the screen like I've explained before. I'm talking about UI & UX on Mendix.

By the way, thank you for your response sir.
