Count entries with specific enumeration value

Hi, I would like to retrieve a list of entries which contains a specific enumeration value. So I retrieved the entire list and did a "list operation" over that list in the Microflow. When I use the operation "Filter" over the retrieved list, then I am able to select the applicable Attribute on which I would like to filter and I am able to select an equal statement using the "edit" button. However, that equal statements is not taking any of the syntax I am trying to use. Which syntax should I use to match a specific Enumeration value like "man" or "woman" so I am able to count the number using the aggregate list option? Thanks, Jeroen
3 answers

You need to enter the enumeration value in this form - module.enumeration.value, like Administration.Gender.Male


Thanks a lot! I expected that only the value was required since the attribute was already selected...


A more efficient way of doing this would be to add an XPath constraint to your Retrieve action (assuming you are/can retrieve from the database). Your XPath constraint would look like this:

[Gender = Administration.Gender.Male]