Excel import multiple entities

Is there a way to import multiple entities in 1 template with the excel importer?
3 answers

No, but you could use the same Excel file and use multiple templates to import each entity. We have for instance a large Excel sheet where each tab has it's own data. If there is a key in the data you can use that key to tie all the data to one object.




No, but you can use a not-normalized excel file in two templates. The first template reads a base table (for example items or customers) and the second template data that is associated to the base table (for example orderlines).

In Microflow you can select 1st template, run in the import, select 2nd template, run import again.


Ah so if I understand correctly. I have 13 entities. I create an excel with 13 tabs, all for one entity I create 13 templates I link all 13 teampletes o the same excel file

I create a microflow which runs all 13 imports in a row?

how would you go about doing the associations? because i cant do the associations when the object does not excists right?
