Impact database disk usage

For a Mendix application I made a mistake with delete behaviour leading to a a table growing to be very large. I create logic to delete the incorrectly created items. When I look in Sprintr, the monitor does not show any change in the database size. I understand that this is because the database has 'claimed' this space for itself on the harddisk. My question is now, when new data is added in other tabels, will this first be put in the already claimed space. Or put more simply, will the freed-up space be used effectively again? If the answer is no, I have already found a forum thread that states that a database restore would reset the diskspace the database uses. Since this requires down time, I am hoping that this is not neccessary. Advice to restore production database
2 answers

No, the space will not be freed automaticly. You should bring the app down, create a backup and do a restore of the backup you just made. Then you will see the size decrease.




Yes that space is available to the database engine. The database size will not shrink, but the database engine will use the newly-freed space before allocating more.
