Change labels in listview

Hi, Im trying to get the labels before the textboxes its now above the textboxes. For Example: Situation now: Label Textbox Situation i try to make: Label Textbox I cant find a css class for this and cant find any solutions. Who can help me with this? Kind Regards, Sonny
2 answers

Hi Sonny, the listview doesn't support the new form orientation (yet). However you could use the following workaround by using the standard Bootstrap classes and Mendix widgets.

Use the div container widget to first create a div with the class "form-horizontal". Create another div container and give this container the class "form-group". Now Use the normal label and textbox widget in the modeler and put both these widgets inside the "form-group" widget. Be sure to put the "show label" on your textbox on "no".

Give the label the class "control-label" and another class "col-sm-2" to make sure all the Bootstrap classes are in place (see documentation link below). Last part is to give the textbox widget a class called "col-sm-10". You need these "col-sm-" classes to make make use of the Bootstrap columns system.

Take a look at the Bootstrap documentation for a live example:

And here two images from the Modeler and client. I hope this helped.

alt text

alt text


The setting to change label orientation seems to only be available in a data view. I believe this should be changed.

For now, if your ListView is not already wrapped by a DataView, you add a dataview that retrieves the current user or some other entity by microflow.
