Input Cursor position handling

Hi, I have one input field which have string type default. We are setting this input field with SetAttribute widget as a number. When we are going to edit this field value its different behavior for devices like  - if we open in modular then its working as expected. -  If we open in android device cursor position by default pointed at before of the character and when we are entering number, its write always end of the character. For example input have value of 123456 then be default first time cursor has pointed to before 1 and when entering value then cursor goes to end of the character and its write at the end of the character ( 1234567). In this case if i want to enter a value between 2 and 3 ( like 1283456) but its write end of the value ( like 1234568). So we are not able to enter value between 2 and 3. -  If we open in iOS device cursor position by default pointed at end of the character and when we are entering number, its write always end of the character as expected. but by default value is 123456 and we want to enter a value between 2 and 3 ( like 1283456) in that case while entering value cursor goes to end the character and  its write the value  after last character ( like 1234568). So we are not able to enter value between 2 and 3.  So input cursor position has not behaving as expected. Expected behavior:  Input cursor position should be set by default at the end of last character. If value is 123456 and we want to enter value between any character or where cursor is pointed from there we  are able to enter value. Its not goes to end of the character. 
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