Import XML Questionnaire Issue?

Hello all,   I created a relatively lengthy questionnaire with many questions set to appear with conditional visibility, depending on previous answers. I created this functionality in one project, then relocated the questionnaire to another project using the XML Export/Import functionality of the Questionnaire module. In my old project, all conditional visibility questions worked as intended, but in the new project, all questions show up regardless of the answers chosen. Has anyone else had an experience with this and found a way to resolve it other than recreating the whole questionnaire?   Thanks to all in advance for any advice
2 answers

Hi Adam, can't say I've run into the same issue before unfortunately. I'd say the best way to your answer would be to check what the visibility check is, which attributes/roles are involved and check those in your new project?


I have the same experience. The XML import functionality doesn't import the conditional visibility, you need to manually add them again unfortunately.
