Facing issue with Jmeter scripting with mendix

Hello All, We are doing load test for one product which is purely developed on Mendix platform. As part of scripting phase, we are using JMeter tool to capture the http traffics. And we are doing some customizations the captured http requests to make the script work successfully. Some of the http request needs to send dynamic values to server (Here in Mendix, we have to send some #hash values in our http requests) These #hash values are appearing in previous http responses before these http requests. We are capturing the hash values by using regular expressions and store it in variables. By using these variables in http requests, we can make the script successful. But the challenge is the #hash values which appear in http response (JSON) is changing their position every time (While running the scripts multiple iteration). Sometimes we need to capture the #hash values from multiple http (JSON) response and use this in single http request. Kindly provide your suggestions to take it forward. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks, Muthukumar
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