Multi Level Navigation Bar

Help Needed I'm trying to create a 3 Tier navigation bar The first tier can be defined within the modeler but the 2nd tier would need to be connected with items that would be generated from within a form (e.g entered in the browser on a seperate page and then updated on the nav bar). The 3rd tier would then give you options to different links to another webpage. I have tried downloading the multi level menu but have ran into difficulties as a dataview is required and the menu needs to be in the navigation layout not in a page. Thanks in advance
2 answers

I have made a custom 3 tier navigation bar by using the DropdownDivConverter widget.

The steps I took: 1. Build a snippet for each Level 1 menu item. 2a. Within such a snippet, use a container, then within that container, build a navigation list with your Level 2 menu items. Then, at the bottom of the container, insert a DropdownDivConverter widget and configure the Dropdown button label.


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2b. If you need a Level 2 submenu for your Level 3 subsubmenu items, insert a container + new navigation list + DropdownDivConverter widget into a subcell of the Level 1 navigation list. The Dropdown button label for Level 2 will be shown as a submenu item at level 2, in this example 'Locatie'.


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3 . Apply CSS Styling, result is a fully functional 3 tier menu structure. On tablets, you can swipe the submenu item (level 2) from left to right to open the subsubmenu (level 3). Example:

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You actually can use the multi-level menu - here's how:

Put a snippet inside your layout, and then inside that snippet, put a data view that gets it's content from a microflow.
