RetrieveXPathQuery in java action

I have a dataview that has many fields will be used for searching and when I tried to apply this search in the microflow I found that I will hit many times into database because I can not check (if this field is empty , then dont include it in the x-path constraint of retrieving the list from database) , thats leads me to separate the retrieving action so if I have 5 fields I have to hit into the database 5 times and that will affects the performance . And if I tried to retrieve the all data for this meta object first then filter them inside the microflow, I will face also a performace issue because It may returns millions records . so I think about the java action where I want to add xpath constraints one time according to the filled search fields by using this method of RetrieveXPathQuery , so how can I use this method to execute multible xpath query after checking the nullability of the fields to hit one time into database.
3 answers

Sorry Michel I dont understand that clearly: I want to apply this scenario of retrieve action of the microflow but in java action: Retrieve list from database of entity called EGateFrontEnd.Service with the follwing x-path constraint:

Entity called --->EGateFrontEnd.Service

[RequestStatus=$ServiceDetailsSearchObject/RequestStatus] [SourceType=$ServiceDetailsSearchObject/SourceType] [EGateFrontEnd.ServiceCard/EGateFrontEnd.Card/EGateFrontEnd.CardCardType= $ServiceDetailsSearchObject/EGateBackEnd.ServiceDetailsSearchObject_CardType]

where $ServiceDetailsSearchObject is just a temporary object of entity used only for searching.


You can use the following snippet in any java action. If you use user entered value, use the retrieveXPathQueryEscaped to escape any user input.

List<imendixobject> result = Core.retrieveXPathQuery(this.getContext(), "//ModuleName.TypeName[yourconstraint]");


I used this code

List<imendixobject> result = Core.retrieveXPathQuery(this.getContext(), "//EGateFrontEnd.Service[RequestStatus="+ServiceDetailsSearchParam.getRequestStatus().getCaption()+"]"); but it raised this error : Object 'EGateFrontEnd.Service' doesn't contain member 'Submitted', exception occured on mapping the following query: SELECT EGateFrontEnd.Service.* FROM EGateFrontEnd.Service WHERE EGateFrontEnd.Service.RequestStatus = EGateFrontEnd.Service.Submitted

while I just want to add the string value (ServiceDetailsSearchParam.getRequestStatus().getCaption()) but I dont know how?
