Pivot Table

Hello Mendix Community, I have been doing some R & D on how to use the Pivot table in Mendix application and i know it can be ised for many purposes like count, display and to display lists for specific data. My requirement is similar: instead of using a MF to display the data in the cells, can we have an editable pivot table where the user can enter the data for cell in a data-view. I have used temp entities(wherever possible ) to achieve my requirements, but i am not able to use pivot table as an editable table on page load. Has anyone worked on similar requirements???
2 answers

I have created the pivot table widget to be used for reporting, dashboarding and drill down into data. Not for direct edit of the data. The widget can call a microflow when a cell is clicked so you could use that for changing the data 'behind' a cell.


In addition to the other posts, here's a webinar on styling basics with Mendix that you can watch:

