Sigin microflow, how do this?

Hi, I want a sign in function in my project. I know that it can with Sign-in microflow (in security). But i dont known the next steps.
2 answers

Mendix will present it's default login form whenever an anonymous user attempts to access a page or microflow that requires a security role. If your main page includes non-anonymous security roles, the application will show a login form as a first screen.

Alternately, you can make your application home-page accessible to anonymous users and allow them to sign in specifically. I've seen this done by using a microflow button ('sign in') set to 'visible always', with a microflow that requires non-anonymous security roles. In effect, an anonymous user will access a microflow that requires sign-in, and Mendix will automatically show the default login form.

I've always felt this method is a little dirty, so I prefer to use the Login widget from the appstore.


Also, make sure you actually enable security on your project. You can do that in the project explorer: Project -> Security -> Security Level. It is disabled by default on a brand new application.

Also see the Mendix reference guide on security: here
