Set select value with javascript

Hi all I'd like a really simple solution to convert select elements to autocomplete text boxes so that i users can search a list of about 45 enumeration values easily. I've implemented selectToAutocomplete ( but I have come across a problem that using vanilla javascript (element.value) or jQuery(element.val()) to set the correct option does not trigger mendix's event listeners. I can see someone else had the same issue ( but the solution there is not relevant to my situation as I want this plugin library, not a button, to set the value. The autocomplete widget in the app store is complete overkill for my needs as i just want to search on an enumeration attribute, not set up extra data objects Any ideas?
1 answers

hii Feargus Brickley,

Make you are making Change in Dropdown after DOM is completely load.

if it is still not triggering the mx event then do one thing 

after set the value using JS 

call the another Nanflow/MF with the same value using Microflow timer widget. this will trigger your Mx event.
