PivotTableWidget using Decimal

Hi Marcel, I have been using the widget you created, which is great! I downloaded the updates you made from your github account and the Decimal support is really helpful. I had two questions which I wanted to see if you yourself or anyone else have noticed. One is that sometimes the totals for either row or column is off by a tenth. So if the total is supposed to be 105.13 it will display as 105.12. Is this due to the conversion to Number you mentioned as opposed to using a Big object? I am using the pivot table for currency so it's important that it is very accurate. The second question was regarding implementing the export functionality as it is implemented in the Pivot Table Widget Demo Project. I am using Mendix Modeler 5.19, and Community Commons 5.4 for Mx 5.6.0, and when I open the excel file that is generated I receive the following character for all the empty cells,  , it looks like its whats represented when there is a nbsp in the html. Do you have any suggestions for removing the character so it doesn't display anything when opening it up in Excel? Thank you for your time, Klaus
3 answers

The rounding behaviour you see is influenced by your project settings. Check the documentation here: https://world.mendix.com/display/refguide5/Project+Settings Read the part about Rounding mode.

For the other question you should also place that question on Github. It is more likely that Marcel will pick it up there because he will get a notification here and might miss this post.




Hi Klaus,

Please add an issue to the GitHub repository for each request. At the moment I cannot publish updates to this widget in the Mendix appstore. I hope that will be dealt with soon. (Not an issue with the appstore but a result of me changing jobs.)




FYI, I went into the script and overwrote the &nbsp and replaced it with a 0. That 'fixed' it for me for my purposes.
