Is the JVM setting -XX:MaxPermSize= -XX:-HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError necessary in Mendix version 5.18

Our application is running in a windows server 2008 environment (Mem: 16 GB) Is the JVM setting -XX:MaxPermSize= -XX:-HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError necessary in Mendix version 5.18? Thanks!
1 answers

-XX:-HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError can't hurt, it won't do anything until you encounter an OOM error, and if you do, you're probably happy to have this turned on.

As you probably put 16GB of RAM in your server to have it used it also makes sense to specifically set Java memory parameters, as IIRC the Mendix default are not very high/safe at all for large applications (Might have changed though since I last checked).

So yeah, I would say it still makes sense to have these parameters set.
