Help Text Viewer not compatible with Mendix 6

We have this applications which are using the Module "Help Text Viewer". Now with release 6 I get this message "Version 0.1 of the "Help Text Viewer" widget is not compatible with Mendix 6. Can I wait for an upgrade of "Help Text Viewer" or do I have to change the Application to something else?
5 answers


You can use the Widget Deprecation Checker to check (and fix ;-) the deprecations caused by Mendix 6.

Check this link for the source and a how-to:


I have migrated the widget to Mendix 6.0 . This widget also contains one that allows a user with a certain role to edit the helptexts runtime without the modeler. They are stored in database and can be translated as well.

I Found no repository for it, put in on ChrisdeG/HelpTextViewer @Marco: maybe we can merge things?


This widget's support level is listed as Community, which means it is supported directly by the developers of the widget, rather than Mendix itself. This can include widgets created by Mendix employees. Here's a link to documentation of our App Store support levels. So, you would need to ask the developer of this widget for an update, typically by finding the widget on GitHub and raising an issue. Or, if you are JavaScript-savvy, by updating the widget yourself and submitting a pull request.

However, in the documentation for this widget, it mentions:

This widget isn't actively supported, please use the better alternative: 'Bootstrap Tooltip' widget, for this purpose instead.

Here's a link to this widget in the app store

This widget's support level is MxCommunity, and therefore should already work in Mendix 6. If not, please submit an issue via GitHub. You'll find a link to the GitHub repository in the app store.


So now there seems to be 3 repositories on Github. Everybody seems to work hard, good job. That is what you can call "community support" but more coordination and communication can help in optimizing the work for the appstore. Many widgets still wait for updating, but is anyone still using them?

  1. We need 1 person as main responsible per community support widget. He/she has to be active and use commonly accepted rules for quality
  2. Everybody is allowed to make branched to improve or expand the widgets.
  3. A voting system would help in priorities and manage end-of-life

Maybe Mendix can support in this.


A new version of the Bootstrap Tooltip widget is available in the App Store here. Shout out to Eric Tieniber for the help.
