HTML Snippet in Mendix 6?

Does the HTML Snippet widget work in Mendix 6? After upgrade I get the following error: Could not create widget HTMLSnippet.widget.HTMLSnippet: TypeError: Failed to execute 'appendChild' on 'Node': parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'. How can I solve this? Thanks!
4 answers


A newer version of the HTML Snippet is available on GitHub (v3.5)

Now with support for an on click microflow (added by yours truly :-) )

Maybe that one will fix your issue. Try not to overwrite the widget but:

Delete the HTMLSnippet widget from the widget folder.
Press F4 in the modeler (Errors should pop up if you've used the widget somewhere. This is fine
Add the new widget mpk to the widget folder
Press F4 in the modeler again
If any errors are still present you might need to find a HTMLSnippet widget, press Right Mouse Button and click on "Update All Widgets".

It's still weird though, I've been using Mendix 6 as well, and even in combination with the HTMLSnippet widget, everything works fine..

As Dennis stated: The new version is also available in the App Store.


I just got the same error. I think it has something to do with the length of the contents in the HTML snippet. When my content was

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vel sapien at risus commodo varius vel ut sapien. Aenean sodales non ex et venenatis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec vitae tellus non erat dapibus hendrerit. Class aptent taciti bold text lorem ipsum per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed ornare vestibulum aliquet. Suspendisse quis massa ac turpis euismod lacinia eget a lorem. Curabitur at ornare augue. Sed condimentum dolor nec neque fringilla, non consequat mauris lobortis. Ut nec eros sem.

I got the error. When my text was


it worked fine.

//edit 3:

It has nothing to do with the length. The widget expects the first thing to be a valid HTML tag. Examples:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vel sapien at risus commodo varius vel ut sapien. Aenean sodales non ex et venenatis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec vitae tellus non erat dapibus hendrerit. Class aptent taciti bold text lorem ipsum per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed ornare vestibulum aliquet. Suspendisse quis massa ac turpis euismod lacinia eget a lorem. Curabitur at ornare augue. Sed condimentum dolor nec neque fringilla, non consequat mauris lobortis. Ut nec eros sem.

fails. However, starting the same text with the bold tag and it DOES work


Did you try tools -> check widgets already?


I use the widget myself as well and is working fine here.

You could try to download the source of github and opening the test project in Mendix 6.


Just tried it and works fine indeed, if what paul suggests doesn't work you could try removing the widget manually from your project, rebuild, re import the widget and try again.
