How to convert date format to date time to display on reports

Hi all, I would be very grateful if someone can help me with my query, I have tried a number of things but I have not managed to get this concern resolved, I have on some of the reports I am working on. Below is my OQL query and appreciate if anyone can advise me on how to display the date, time and the year to display please: What I intend to do below is to display the name of the patient and the alert generated information for a clinical application and the related dates, of the generated date for the alert, closed date of the alert etc., This is in Mendix 5.9.1 version. SELECT va.AlertID AS AlertID, va.PatientName AS PN, DateTimeGenerated, Colour AS AlertColour, va.Status AS VAStatus, va.DateClosed AS DateVAClosed, va.DateFirstRead AS DateVAFirstRead, m.ModuleName AS CausingModuleName, ao.ActionOutcome AS AlertOutcome, ar.AlertOutcomeReason AS AlertOutcomeReason, ac.Conclusion AS AlertConclusion FROM Triage.VirtualAlert va JOIN va/Triage.Alert_VirtualAlert/Triage.Alert a JOIN va/Triage.AlertNote_VirtualAlert/Triage.AlertNote an JOIN an/Triage.AlertNote_AlertOutcome/Triage.AlertOutcome ao JOIN ao/Triage.AlertOutcomeReason_AlertOutcome/Triage.AlertOutcomeReason ar JOIN an/Triage.AlertNote_AlertConclusion/Triage.AlertConclusion ac LEFT OUTER JOIN a/Triage.Alert_Module/Triage.Module m Thanks Nimesh
2 answers

DATEPART(MONTH, VA/DateClosed) + '-' + DATEPART(DAY, VA/DateClosed) + '-' + DATEPART(YEAR, VA/DateClosed)


Hello Chris,


The above mentioned query is helped me to spilt the date , month and year. But I have doing export the data in csv file. In the file it has got split on different cells. I need to concat the MM/DD/YYYY as a single cell How can we concat that in a single cell in OQL Query.

I have attached the screen shot for reference.



Thanks in Advance.
